December 22, 2011

Market Research Process

Banking Diploma Courses in Bangladesh under The Institute of Bankers, Bangladesh (IBB)
Marketing of Financial Services -JAIBB
Market Research Process: Defining Problem and Objectives
          Exploratory research
         Preliminary information
         Problem definition and hypothesis suggestion 

          Descriptive research
         Better describe marketing problems, situations, or markets
          Causal research
         Test hypothesis of cause and effect relationships
Market Research Process: Develop the Research Plan
          Determine Specific Information Needs
         Target customer characteristics
         Patterns of product usage
         Demand factors
         Response of marketing channels
         Customer reactions
         Projected sales
          Gather Secondary Information
         Internal database sources
         Company, public, and university libraries
         Government and business publications
         Commercial data services
         On-line databases
         Internet data sources
         International data
Advantages of Secondary Data
          Less time to obtain
          Lower cost than primary research
          Alternate means of access to information
          Benefit from resources of others
Potential Problems With Secondary Data
          Information may not exist
          May not be:
Market Research Process: Plan Primary Data Collection
          Research Approaches
          Observational Research
         Observing relevant people, actions, situations
         Mechanical observation, people meters, checkout scanners
         Some things not readily observed
          Survey Research
         Questions about knowledge, attitudes preferences or buying behaviour
         Most widely used source of primary data due to flexibility, information type collection, and sometimes quicker than other two methods
         Very difficult to construct properly; Unwilling/ unable respondents; answer questions which they have no knowledge; pleasing answers
          Experimental Research
         Best suited for gathering causal information
         Given different experimental treatments
         Variables controlled
         Responses measured and recorded
Personal Interviewing
         Talking with people in homes, offices, on the street, or in shopping malls ONE ON ONE
         Computer interviewing
         Focus group
          Sampling Plans - three issues
         What is the sampling unit?
         What is the sample size?
         What is the sampling procedure?
Probability Samples
          Simple random sample
         Equal probability
         Mutually exclusive groups
         Random sample drawn
Non-probability Samples
          Convenience sample
         Select easiest population
          Judgement sample
         Select for accurate response
Market Research Process: Research Instruments
         Question contribution
         Question form
         People meters
         Checkout scanners
         Eye cameras
Market Research Process: Present the Research Plan
          Written Research Proposal
         Management problems addressed by research
         Research objectives
         Information sought
         Sources of secondary information
         Methods of obtaining primary data
         Benefits and costs
Market Research Process: Implement the Research
          Collect Data
         Company research staff
         Outside services
         Most costly and error process
          Analyze Data
         Isolate important information and findings
         Check accuracy and completeness
         Tabulate results
Market Research Process: Interpret and Report Findings
          Focus on useful decision support
          Clear and open
          Discuss interpretation
          Team approach
        �          Ultimate decision with management